Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Big O1~

Hey~Decided to create a new blog after I "kinda" forgot the password for my old expired one. +___+ Well A HECK lotta things have happened since I last blogged. SO, do expect a few meaningless you-won't-understand-what-i'm-crapping-about posts. ^^

And...about the blog add, I know it's wierd..YuuNoMatcha meaning Yuu's Matcha. Hehe. ^^
This would be all for now. Need to go over those html editing dunno what tutorials now. Jaaaaa~!


Anonymous said...

Helo! nice blog! i like i like!

happyichigo♥ said...

hello yuu chan! Konnichiwa!
thank u for dropping by my blog..I will definitely link to ur blog!
hope to hear your news (and your girl Blythe too!)..

Take care!

Alex C said...

Hey sis! Nice bloggie! Pinkish~ ummm~ that's the colour that suits u nicely XD. Linked ur blog with mine. :D Keep up the good work! Anyway, want a c-box?

Take care!

Furbie said...

HEYYYYYY. XD hurry up and update!!